
Denise Corey Coaching Blog: An occasional blog on a wide range of topics including leadership, managing difficult work situations, and gaining new business skills.

Life Lessons From a Puppy

I have a new puppy--Clicquot--named by my husband for the expensive champagne, Veuve Clicquot. Clicquot is a Beauceron, like his "older brother." He is exuberant, curious, underfoot, and rarely stops exploring.

I have gained a puppy and lost control of my life.

My schedule, my attention, and my focus have been hijacked by an 11-week old puppy! I was prepared for Clicquot. I have a crate, a puppy playpen, treats, toys, and two kinds of leashes. I planned well, but Clicquot is not paying attention to my plans.

It's human nature to want control over all our events and outcomes. My clients complain about micro-management, and everyone complains about their schedules getting commandeered by meetings.

Companies commit considerable resources to control outcomes, yet plans still go awry. Leaders fail their staff, supply chains break, pandemics hit, employees quit. Stuff will always happen! Creating a positive future is less about planning, and more about our ability to choose a helpful response as events unfold.

This puppy, like all other puppies, is really cute. I find it easy to thoughtfully respond to his many mistakes. I gently guide him outside, I carefully distract him from my shoe, I take the time to consider my responses.

If only adults were as cute as puppies!

A rude and demanding coworker can damage relationships. A yawn during a presentation can unsettle us. When we allow habitual reactions to hijack us, we're easily overcome by circumstances. We are never in control of others' behaviors but we are in command of our responses.

I'm up early these days when it is still dark and chilly to follow Clicquot outside for his first pee of the day. The stars are amazing. My puppy is in charge and I plan on responding with gentle corrections.